Many MRI Software applications are multi-step procedures that can be difficult for new users to master. In fact, often misunderstood standard procedures are by-passed with workarounds that lead to unforeseen issues down the road.
I write and illustrate step-by-step documentation that incorporates your internal procedures, guides employees to a greater understanding of the MRI program and functions as the fundamental training tool for new employees as well as a useful reference tool for all MRI users. This documentation may incorporate instruction videos that often best illustrate the proper procedures as well as the most frequent missteps that are common among new users.
These custom training tools can be available directly from the system alongside the standard MRI documentation allowing the new user to simultaneously learn the proper use of the system and your internal procedures, thus saving staff time spent training new users.
When training, I prepare a detailed syllabus that includes page references to MRI documentation. I encourage questions and look for opportunities to broaden users' understanding of the system as a whole, and I always strive to listen carefully and to convey my deep appreciation of the program and all it can do.